Saturday, June 21, 2014

Digital Reading Writing and Thinking

Hello participants & readers!  Katie here.  You might notice that a lot of our resources are posted on Padlets, which are essentially virtual bulletin boards and sticky notes.  This is a great tool that we love to use with students to collaborate and hold thinking.  A while back I started a collaborative Padlet in response to a video that I posted from the amazing site The Kid Should See This.  I'd love for you to join in as well.

Watch the clip on the Padlet by artist Andres Amador.  Then create your own response.  You might choose to do a bit of creative writing like others have or simply jot your questions, thoughts, and wonderings.  All you need to do is double click and a new sticky pad will pop up!  Feel free to contact me if you have questions.

The Padlet is embedded below or you can click here to go to the website.

1 comment:

  1. Inspirational indeed. Reminded me of my camping days when I used to just sit and connect with the earth's elements in the woods or on a beach at the ocean's shore. ~Navas
